New Website Taking TYM Worldwide

We are pleased to report that the new look TYM website is proving to be a hit with both new and existing customers alike. Still packed with comprehensive information and technical specifications covering every product across our stock range, all the feedback we’ve received on the improvements we’ve made to the site has been extremely positive.

Making Things Easier for our Loyal Customers

The site’s improved and simpler navigation, the generation of instant electronic invoices for our fast growing number online customer database and the online shopping facility have been particularly well received.

The site is also helping to widen our customer base beyond our traditional bases in the UK and Europe, with a steady increase in orders from further afield, particularly the Middle East.

However, we believe there is always room for improvement, and we’d still like to hear about your experience of using the new website and any suggestions you have as to how we can make it even better.

If you have any questions, please call us on 01380 734510, or email us at